Shamanic Body Consciousness Healing

I offer shamanic body consciousness healing sessions for clients ready to take their healing to the next level. Each 90 – 120 minute session begins like a regular energy healing session, but after 15 minutes of sending Reiki, I guide them through body consciousness and healing journey work, similar to a guided meditation. Reiki continues during the journey, and for a while after to help clients return feeling grounded and at ease. 

What is Body Consciousness?

Some holistic healers like shamans, recognize that there is a level of consciousness to everything – from cells to mountains. And we can engage with these forms of consciousness for knowledge and healing. While every body part may have its own consciousness, the body consciousness carries awareness of the entire body. And we can engage with our body consciousness to learn how to heal ourselves best.

What is Journeying?

Journeying is a term used to describe the type of trance states shamans work in to access the spirit realm. But this work isn’t just for shamans – everyone is capable of journeying. Even if you aren’t interested in the deeper level of journeying that shamans employ, you can still do healing journey work. Working with your body consciousness is a form of journeying.

Interested in learning more? Schedule a free consultation to see if this type of healing is right for you.