
Everyone’s healing path is different, and sometimes an outside perspective can clarify the way forward with methods that work with your body to heal the source of imbalance or illness (instead of just treating the symptoms of illness or imbalance). I offer several different healing modalities, and clients sometimes find that engaging in multiple healing practices restores them to a more complete or balanced state. A consultation with me will help you map out your own unique healing journey (including self-healing techniques I teach in my sessions and programs) and help us discover what type(s) of healing might put you on the best path to health and wellness.

A consultation lasts about 15 – 20 minutes and is $10. We can meet by phone, Zoom, or in person, depending on your location. Clients who get a consultation will receive a $10 discount on their first healing session. Discounts are also available for booking multiple sessions at one time.

Fill out the form below to schedule your healing consultation today!

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