Let’s Change the World!

Hello! I’m Cynthia, an energy healer, shaman, and educator. I’m passionate about helping people heal and elevate their vibration. Nothing makes me happier than seeing clients walk out of my office with less physical and emotional pain, and a renewed sense of purpose.

I began Inkwood in 2020 with part-time tarot reading. In 2022, following guidance from a shamanic ancestor, I shifted Inkwood into a full-time healing practice, adding distance Reiki sessions to my offerings. In 2023, Inkwood Healing moved into A Healing Vibration in Westford, MA where I now offer in-person healing sessions and classes.

In 2024, I introduced my first shamanic healing offerings for Inkwood: Shamanic Body Consciousness Healing and Reindeer Ceremonies. My shamanic offerings have continued growing; you can find a full list of programs and events on my Shamanic Offerings page.

This is how we change the world: by healing ourselves. I hope you’ll join me and create a new reality for yourself and, ultimately, humanity.

Reindeer Shamanism

I am a practicing Reindeer Shaman from a formerly extinct line of Nordic/Arctic shamans. I was connected with this lineage in a past life many millennia ago, when I died during a test of strength in my shamanic initiation. My then-shamanic guardian and teacher became my maternal grandfather in this life. He contacted me in 2022, thirty years after his death, to bring me back onto the path of Reindeer Shamanism.

My shamanic work focuses on bringing the magic of Reindeer Medicine back to the world at a time when we need it most.

Experience & Training

I am a certified Reiki Master and have been practicing Reiki for over 9 years. I’ve worked with people and animals on a wide range of health challenges.

I’ve spent over 40 hours at Kripalu studying Prana Yoga for Mental Health, Resiliency Building (RISE), and Yoga Nidra.

I am certified in Essentials of Energy Medicine through Eden Energy Medicine and trained in reflexology, crystal therapy, and shamanism.

Spiritual Leadership

I believe spiritual wellness is critical to overall wellness; without it, we can never be fully whole or healed. I am an experienced spiritual leader and offer spiritual guidance and counseling to help you through life transitions and spiritual development. 

I have served as a UU religious professional for 7 years and as an ordained Pagan Clergy for 10 years.

As part of my shamanic practice, I lead public and private Reindeer Shaman healing ceremonies throughout the year.

A Little More About Me

I have a master’s degree in Conservation Biology and worked as a naturalist for 20 years before starting up Inkwood.

I grew up just outside NYC and now live in northern Massachusetts with my wonderful husband, two teen kids, and a slightly very neurotic Czech-bred German Shepherd named Thorin. Despite his lunacy (or perhaps because of it), Thorin has been my beloved working familiar for the past 12+ years.

I am honored to work part-time as the Education Director for a small Unitarian Universalist church in central MA, in addition to my work at Inkwood. This work supports and affirms my faith, as I work directly with youth to help them find their spiritual way in the world.

Some of my other passions include hiking, practicing martial arts, playing fiddle, and spending as much time outdoors as possible.