Student Resources

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A Holistic Wellness Bookshop

Welcome to my bookstore containing a curated collection of books and articles on holistic living and healing.

The articles listed here are all free. The books and materials not produced by me contain affiliate links to independent shops as an alternative to shopping at Amazon or big box stores.

These include – a platform that equips independent bookstores with tools and resources. This helps them compete online and maintain their presence in local communities.

And Shaman’s Market – a business that supports Indigenous communities around the globe and uses ethically sourced, eco-friendly products.

Purchasing through these links (including the links above) helps support these small businesses and Inkwood Healing.

Holistic health bookshop

Reiki Student Resources

Reiki Articles From the International Association of Reiki Practitioners

IARP Full Reiki Article Index

Recommended articles for all Reiki students:
Chanting Reiki Symbols
Clearing Your Space with Reiki
*Exploring Mikao Usui Reiki Teachings
Finding Your Power – Laying the Seeds for an Unshakable Foundation
*How to Manage and Revitalize Your Personal Energy
Reiki and Chronic Pain: Can Reiki Help Heal the Chronic Pain Epidemic?
Reiki for Traumatic Stress Relief
Reiki In A Clinical Setting
*Self Development With Reiki
The Benefits of Reiki for Seniors

Recommended article for Reiki 2 & 3 students from the International House of Reiki:

Reiki Precepts (free Inkwood image download)

* Strongly recommended resources

Recommended Reiki Books

Crystal Reiki, Krista Mitchell
Everything Animal Reiki: A Simple Guide to Meditating with Animals for Healing, Kathleen Prassad
Magick of Reiki, Christopher Penczak
Self-Healing with Reiki, Penelopy Quest (Recommended for level 1)
The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui
The Reiki Manual, Penelopy Quest (Recommended for levels 2 & 3)

Crystals for Reiki Healing

Black Tourmaline – Used for clearing or absorbing negative energy and/or grounding (placed between or below the recipient’s feet).
Selenite – Selenite is the pain eraser. Place it at or near the site of acute pain while you work on yourself or another.
Clear Quartz – Used for directing or magnifying energy. An excellent stone for intention/programming.
Rose Quartz – The love stone! Place these beautiful pink hearts on the heart chakra when someone is in emotional pain and/or could use a boost of love.

Shamanic Resources

I created four playlists on my Spotify profile dedicated to Nordic shamanic music and shamanic drumming.

– The Shamanic Drumming playlist contains 15 and 30-minute solo drumming tracks. These tracks are recommended for first-time journey work.

– The Norse Shamanic Ritual playlist contains shamanic music, mainly from Scandinavia, usable for journey or meditative work

Learning to Journey for Self-Healing, by Cynthia Menard. I wrote this article for shamanic students and non-shamans interested in learning how to journey for the first time.

Learning to Journey Overview & Tips, A downloadable 2-page .pdf that distills the directions in my journey article (above), with a few additional tips.

The Society for Shamanic Practice’s ‘New to Shamanism page features articles introducing shamanic topics and practices.

Recommended Books on Shamanism

Awakening to the Spirit World, by Sandra Ingerman and Hank Wesselman. Gathers essays from many Western shamanic elders to share the basic beliefs and practices of Western/neo-shamanism.

Chosen By the Spirits, by Sarangerel. An introduction to Mongolian and Buryat shamanism.

Shamanic Journeying, A Beginner’s Guide, by Sandra Ingerman. An excellent introduction to shamanic journeying and the realm of the spirit world.

The Book of Ceremony, Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred in Everyday Life, by Sandra Ingerman.

The Shamanic Drum – A Guide to Sacred Drumming, by Michael Drake. A beautiful guide to connecting with your drum, shamanic drumming, and learning how to journey and heal while drumming.

The Woman in the Shaman’s Body, by Barbara Tedlock, counters the assumption that most shamans in ancient times were men. A beautiful and inspiring collection of shamanic experiences and stories that lift up the power of women in shamanism – past and present.

From the Society for Shamanic Practice:
Shamanism Without Borders, A Guide to Shamanic Tending for Trauma and Disasters

Want more resources? Here’s my full shamanic bibliography.

Tarot Class Resources

Tarot Articles in the Inkwood Journal
Court Card Personalities, Cynthia Menard (free .pdf download)
The Inkwood Tarot Guide, Cynthia Menard

21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card, Mary K Greer
Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtue, W. Wynn Westcott
Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom, Rachel Pollack
Tarot For Yourself, Mary K Greer

Wholistic Wellness Class Resources

From the Inkwood Journal
Daily Energy Medicine Routine
Modifications to the Daily Energy Medicine Routine
Tree of Life Meditation
Loving Kindness Meditation

DMINDER APP: This free app helps you track the amount of vitamin D you get from sun exposure. Sun therapy is a critical part of overall wellness, and this app helps you make sure you’re getting the right kind of sun and producing the correct amount of vitamin D that your body needs. Highly recommended!!


I talk about many of the books below in my Wholistic Wellness class series and believe everyone can benefit from the wisdom they contain. Unsure where to begin? I recommend starting with the Four Agreements or You Can Heal Your Life.

Awakening Joy, James Baraz and Shoshana Alexander
Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life, Dr. Claudia Welsch
The Body Deva, Mary Mueller Shutan
The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook: A Seasonal Guide to Eating and Living Well, Kate O’Donnell
Fit Soul, Fit Body; 9 Keys to a Healthier, Happier You, Brant Secunda, Mark Allen
The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz
The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living, Nick Ortner
The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, Nick Ortner
You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay