



How to Heal Acute Illnesses or Injuries with Reiki

Reiki healing room

Can Reiki Heal Acute Injuries or Illnesses?

The short answer is yes. But I and most other Reiki providers would add a caveat: as long as the injury or illness is or has been treated by a medical professional. I will never offer Reiki in place of medical care – doctors or other medical professionals should address urgent health matters first. Only then it is appropriate to look at the role Reiki and energy medicine can play in your healing. Additionally, it is important to know that Reiki practitioners do not diagnose illnesses.

The only other requirement is that you are willing to be an active participant in your own healing. Reiki and other holistic healing methods are most successful when changes are made at home to support your healing. More on this below.

Why Use Reiki for Acute Health Issues?

People have turned to Reiki for decades due to its natural, gentle, and non-invasive nature. There are many specific reasons to choose Reiki and energy healing:

  • reduce the use of medication
  • speed up physical healing
  • experience the added benefits of energy work (lowered stress, balanced healing, spiritual work)
  • reduce or eliminate lingering pain or other ongoing symptoms
  • Healing of both the physical and energetic bodies
  • Working on the cause, and not just symptoms

Let’s unpack some of this. Energy work (I’m speaking specifically about Reiki and energy medicine here) is effective for healing because it works on many levels. It helps the physical body to heal, and it also helps the energetic body to heal.

We all have an energetic body, composed of chakras, meridians, and the auric field (see my article What is Energy Medicine for more information on the energetic body). Reiki and energy medicine heal on this level, which aids physical healing. What affects the physical body affects the energetic body and vice versa, so for full healing it is important to work on both.

Reiki aids the release of old

emotional or psychic wounds

which could be underlying

a physical problem.

Energy healing works on other levels as well. Its ability to reduce stress is well-known and much-needed. Less well-known is its ability to aid spiritual work. Energy work raises one’s vibration level, boosting any spiritual work undertaken.

Finally, Reiki aids the release of old emotional or psychic wounds or trauma, which could be underlying a physical problem. Trauma is held in both the physical and energetic bodies. Part of the work of Reiki is to break up energetic blocks either caused by or causing physical symptoms. I’ve seen many clients have emotional and energetic shifts during sessions, giving them clarity on and relief from their illness or injury.

Reiki Healing Protocol

So what does healing an acute injury or illness with Reiki and energy medicine entail? To start, several back-to-back sessions which jump-start the healing process. Three sessions are recommended at the beginning, daily if possible, but no more than a week apart. After the third session, we evaluate and determine session frequency moving forward (weekly, twice a month, monthly, etc.).

Additionally, I go over practices clients can do at home to aid their healing. This may include daily energy medicine exercises, diet modification to reduce or eliminate allergens, and regular time outdoors in the sun. See my article on Adding Nature Connection to Your Routine for more information and cautions on sun therapy.

Once the illness or injury has been dealt with, regular “energy maintenance” sessions will go a long way to keeping you balanced. Once you’re in a healthier state, I recommend seeing an energy healer every 2 or 3 months – more regularly during cold and flu season – to help keep your energy (and thus your immune system) strong, healthy, and balanced.

Insurance Reimbursement for Reiki Sessions?

One of the biggest hurdles to holistic health care can be cost. Many modalities are not covered by insurance, including Reiki. However, it is sometimes possible to get insurance reimbursement for Reiki sessions. If you have a health savings account (HSA) and/or a flexible spending account (FSA), you may be able to submit requests for Reiki reimbursement. As Jane Van De Velde says in her article Insurance Reimbursement for Reiki Sessions, “Consumer demand is essential to changing the system”, so be sure to ask your insurance carrier about this. What information your insurance company will need from you and your provider can vary.

You Are Powerful!

Knowing that you have options when it comes to treating health issues can be empowering. This is important to remember because dealing with challenging health issues can take a toll on your mood and eventually your mental health.  If you’re struggling with an injury or illness, acute or chronic, and looking for a treatment that doesn’t rely just on prescription medications and treating the most superficial symptoms, Reiki and energy medicine are a wonderful option.

If you’re not sure whether energy healing is what you need, you can book a free consultation with me (link in site header) where we can explore your options.

I will have a companion article digging into the spiritual benefits of working with Reiki and energy medicine coming out later this summer. Stay tuned!


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