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Join Our Shamanic Drumming and Journeying Community

Beginning Saturday, March 29th, 2025, I will offer a monthly gathering focused on shamanic journeying and drumming. No experience with shamanism, journeying, or drumming is necessary – just a curious and open heart!
Shamanic journeying is a powerful practice that anyone can learn and use. Working in the spirit realm teaches us true freedom and self-empowerment. There, we have access to other worlds. We connect with the energy that underlies the physical world. We also receive guidance from our spirit guides and ancestors. Moreover, we gain the ability to heal ourselves at the deepest level. As Sandra Ingerman says, journeying gives us access to “information and energies that can help awaken us and restore us to wholeness.”
Shamanic drumming is both a healing art and a catalyst for shamanic journeying. At our gatherings, we will explore both ways of working with rhythm. Participants are encouraged to bring a drum and/or rattle if they have one. Extra rhythm instruments will be available for those without.
We will most often meet at the Unitarian Church of Marlboro and Hudson, located in Hudson, MA (80 Main St.), on the third Saturday of the month from 2 to 4 PM (except our first meeting on March 29). During the summer, we’ll gather outdoors, when possible, in various locations.
As we begin, we’ll focus on learning journey techniques. We will meet our spirit guides and create a sacred garden from which to work. From there, we will explore group journeying, drumming for journeying and healing, divinatory and self-healing journeys, and much more. On the summer solstice, we will gather at a fire circle in Lunenburg for a journey ceremony.
This is an open group, and anyone can join any gathering. The program cost is $5 for UCMH Members and $10 for non-members. Join my mailing list for program reminders and updates so you don’t miss a session!
Learning to Journey for Self-Healing, by Cynthia Menard. I wrote this article for shamanic students and non-shamans interested in learning how to journey for the first time.
Learning to Journey Overview & Tips, A downloadable 2-page .pdf that distills the directions in my journey article (above), with a few additional tips.
Shamanic Journeying, A Beginner’s Guide, by Sandra Ingerman. An excellent introduction to shamanic journeying and the realm of the spirit world (contains an affiliate link to
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