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Daily Energy Medicine Routine

self healing

One of the most powerful tools for self-healing that I have learned and teach to my clients and students in my Wholistic Wellness Classes is the Daily Energy Wellness Routine. This practice is based on the Eden Energy Method’s Daily Routine, with a few edits. You can also check out my modifications for the Daily Energy Routine for more ways to work with this.

I love the Eden Energy Medicine Routine because it not only helps to invigorate and bring your energy field into balance, but it also works proactively. It helps to keep stress hormones in check and your immune system vitalized so that your energy field can keep you in better physical health and help you fend off illnesses and stress more effectively.

I can’t emphasize enough how important I think this routine is in bringing your system into wholistic wellness. It will take time to memorize the routine, and find ways to integrate it into your daily life, but I promise you – it’s worth it.

Below are images and instructions for the components of an Energy Wellness Routine. All pictures are by Donna Eden/Eden Energy Medicine, with notes and additional exercises added by me.

Steps 1 and 2 – The Four Thumps and Crossover Pull

Before you begin this routine, take a moment to connect with your breathing. Establish deep breathing from your belly, inhaling through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth. If you have time, you can start your session by grounding and centering using the Tree of Life meditation.

When you are engaged in the exercises, continue your deep focused breathing while tapping or holding your posture; for some exercises you’ll continue for several deep breaths each, being sure to breathe regularly and freely as you proceed through the routine.

Eden energy method 4 thumps

Steps 3 & 4 – Wayne Cook Posture and Crown Pull

I do these slightly out of their original order, as it worked well for bringing my energy back into a crossover pattern when I was stuck in a homolateral pattern (contact me if you want to know more about this – being stuck in a homolateral pattern can exacerbate fatigue; I can help you with a technique to re-cross a homolateral energy pattern), which then makes the Cross Crawl more effective at boosting your energy. I find that the end of the Wayne Cook Posture leads naturally into the crown pull, so kept them together.

Eden energy method wayne cook posture
Eden energy method crown pull

Step 5 – The Cross Crawl

Eden energy method cross crawl

Step 5a – Butterfly Taps

I often follow the Cross Crawl with Butterfly Taps. This helps reinforce the crossover pattern established by the Cross Crawl and offers a soothing exercise to combat stress. This technique is an excellent stand-alone tool for de-stressing.

Butterfly Taps How-to:

  • Cross your hands over your chest like you are making a bird or butterfly shadow puppet where the wings are resting just below your collarbone. You can hook your thumbs together as a way to feel anchored.
  • Begin slowly tapping, alternating left and right, left and right and slowly pick up speed to a pace that feels comfortable. Some people like light, fast tapping, and others like slower more deliberate tapping.
  • Continue tapping for several deep breaths, or until you feel more relaxed and peaceful.

Step 6 – Connecting Heaven and Earth

Eden energy method heaven and earth

I end this exercise by extending my hands, palms up to the sky on an inhale, and sweeping them down and then into my heart center on the exhale. I keep my hands at my heart center for a breath or two to feel the energy of the heavens flowing in. This is a shortened version of an Eden Method exercise called Heaven Rushing In, which pairs beautifully with the way energy is channeled in this practice.

Steps 7 & 8 – The Zip-Up and the Hook-Up

I end all my in-person energy healing sessions for clients with these two practices:

Eden Energy method zip up

For more information on Eden Energy Medicine, visit:


2 responses to “Daily Energy Medicine Routine”

  1. […] you are making use of the Daily Energy Wellness Routine, and finding that it works for you sometimes but not all the time, here are some ways to modify it […]

  2. […] easy way is to practice the Daily Energy Medicine Routine. Developed by Donna Eden, I added some modifications and teach this to students in my Wholistic […]

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